
Images of America: Allegheny Cemetery

Images of America: Allegheny Cemetery

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Product Description

Item: 146711738

It is easy to look at a place such as Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh's Lawrenceville neighborhood and think that it encompasses strictly the dead. But a closer look reveals many lives and stories told throughout the pages of time by those who have lived them.

To define Allegheny Cemetery as simply a place does not do it justice. It is not only a physical location, but a crossroads in history, and a point in time where each of these lives converge. Images of America: Allegheny Cemetery shares these legacies with the hope that present and future generations will do the same.

Author: Lisa Speranza and Nancy Foley
Publisher: Arcadia
Publish Date: 2016
Page Count: 128
Format: Paperback
ISBN-10: 1467117382
ISBN-13: 978-1467117388