
Keepsake Doctoral Regalia Set

Keepsake Doctoral Regalia Set

Price: $80.00

Regalia for Spring Ceremonies will be available for purchase in March. Please check back later for more details.

Product Description

Item: 2514120

Congratulations on your academic achievement!

Customer information (including height, weight, and degree selection) will be collected once adding this item to your cart.

Doctoral Regalia set - includes gown, hood, 4-corner cap (Pitt Standard), and tassel.
If your departments requires you to purchase a 6-sided Tam, please also add this item to your cart: Doctoral Retainable Tam

*All Regalia sets have a shipping cost of $17.95, or are Free to pick-up at the University Store on Fifth.

Please use your Pitt e-mail when checking out to expedite the order process.

If selecting Ship to Home, please choose "UPS Ground - Diploma Frames & Regalia."

All keepsake regalia is Pitt specific. Please view our custom regalia page here for more options.

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